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Friday, October 5, 2012

Three Mundane Things That the iPhone Can Now Do for You

Life truly has changed because of technology. The things you couldn’t do with your cellular phone before can now be done with a smartphone. Aside from being able to text and call people easily, smartphones like the Apple iPhone can now also serve as your cookbook, camera, map and virtual assistant. But aside from all these important features, did you know that your iPhone can do even the most mundane things in your household? I’m not fooling you here; I bet you’d even trade your cell phone if a new iPhone could…

Open Doors Remotely 
Open Doors Remotely with iphone
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Too lazy to get up and open the door for your roommate who always forgets her keys inside the apartment? That’s alright; you can simple open the door using your iPhone! Gone are the days of locks and keys. Apparently, some great genius thought of creating an iPhone app and NFC enabled casing that will allow your iPhone to control the door with just a few taps. Lockitron is a smartphone app and peripheral that uses Bluetooth, NFC and Wi-Fi to control door locks. All you have to do is to install the Lockitron device around your door’s cylindrical deadbolt and create an account on the app to access the door. The app even senses whether the user is near the door or not, this way you’ll never have to fish for keys in your bag while standing stupidly outside your door. The good thing is that you can now sell iPhone 4 because the company recently announced that it will be available on the iPhone 5 soon!

Turn Off Lights and Appliances
Turn Off Lights and Appliances with iphone
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 Forgetful people would also be glad to know that they can turn off all the electronic devices they left on even when they are out of the door. Just like Lockitron, Elphi also requires a peripheral and an app to function. Basically, the smart plug that works with the app is used to control all the electronic devices in your house as well as monitor all power consuming activities inside the house. So if you’re on your way to work and you can’t seem to remember if you unplugged your hair curler, all you have to do is to check your app to see if it’s been unplugged and if not, you can easily turn it off through your iPhone!

Play Music to Remote Stereos Without Docks and Connectors
Play Music to Remote Stereos
Image Credit:
 This one’s pretty easy, and you’ve probably hear of it before. Die hard Apple fans have probably tried using Remote, Apple’s very own Wi-Fi dependent app that allows control over all your Apple devices inside the house. Through a shared iTunes, you can play music by sending songs to your Airplay speakers and Apple TV without having to connect docks and wires. Aside from sending out music for other Apple devices, you’ll also be able to control the volume remotely using your iPhone and even type using your iPhone to be seen on your Mac monitor.

However, you probably have to sell cell phone so you can buy other Apple gadgets if you don’t have any.


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Maristella de Asis
Author, Cash for Smartphones Blog

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