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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Issues on Smartphones to Watch Out For

Apps That Withstand the Test of Time and Familiarity

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As I was surfing the web one night, I came across a helpful blog that marks the difference between an application and a platform. The blogger (Franco Travostino) says that a good application never surprises while a good platform never fails to surprise. Though the analogy is meritorious, he does not claim ownership and is willing to drop attributions for the person who provides proper citation.

Monday, May 21, 2012

The Guide to the Smartphone Etiquette Ignoramus

Let me give you some ironic ways to make sure our smartphones really make us look smart. And not dumb:

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This site is all about gadgets and gizmos of today's technology. Dedicated to share information about the latest electronics that people are talking about such as Smartphones, tablets, etc. It also provides tips and guides for selling used electronics because of the fast paced ever changing emerging of the technology specifically on gadget development.

Maristella de Asis
Author, Cash for Smartphones Blog

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